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Kamis, 07 November 2013

Contoh ekskul bahasa inggris di mts/mts.

                                                 1.       WHAT EMC IS
                                                 2.       WHY EMC IS IMPORTANT
                                                 3.       WHO TEACH EMC

1.       WHAT EMC IS
                In this world there are many variations of nations and each nation has different kind of languages which is used. One of them is English language, it is also becomes a part of International language that is used by most people in the whole world, and to make some relations among them.
                In Indonesia English language become a foreign language that should be taught at school or college. Most of the students think that English is very difficult to learn. So, it needs the way how to make it easy to be learned when learning in the class or teaching learning process.
                From the reasons, we try to find out the solutions of the problem. At the first we take the students in order to interest of mastering English. Second, they are given spirits of English advantages in the future.
                English Member Class (EMC) is one of the ways of developing English language. It is an organization and learn about English only. Located at MTs. Tanjung Kawalu Tasikmalaya city.
                English Member Class (EMC) has members they are English teachers and the students who enter this organization especially, and all the members of MTs. Tanjung generally.
As we know that every organizations certainly has the aims. EMC has too.
Here are the aims of English Member Class (EMC):
  1. to make the students more interesting in speaking English.
  2. to make the students more understand about listening, speaking, reading and writing English.
  3. to make the students get a good achievement of English.
The implementation of EMC investigation is based on the fourth subject of English. They are Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. It means that the students or the member must study the material mentioned. And to make the situation in the class more interesting and more seriously, then they are divided into some classes. For the first grade, it contains; Elementary School one (E.S.I) up to Elementary School Four (E.S.4) . For the second grade, we try to divided into some classes. They are, Secondary Class One (S.C.I) up to Secondary Class Four (S.C.4).
2.       WHO TEACH EMC
Generally , every activities in teaching learning process should be consist of students, teachers, and materials.
EMC in MTs. Tanjung has been trying to make the program run well, so in this case the members divide into two parts;
     A.      Tutors
The members of tutors consist of some students from the second and third grade, they are chose by the English teacher based on their abilities of English. They should teach students from the lower classes, they teach them with materials based on their students’ level.
     B.      Mentors
Mentors are all member of students of EMC, they all are from first and second level.
The English teacher should controlled and monitored all EMC activities at the time.

We hope all the efforts of us could be successful for the glory of this school. Amin.